New friendships and new challenges. So who is going to shoot the most birds??? :)
The three children have clicked and there is much laughter and fun filling each day. "It truly is a blessing to hear the laughter of children"! (to quote Bill Snow)
We have had a little (much needed) rain, but otherwise our days are warm, sunny, clear, and beautiful!
Rhyanne made such a fantastic shot on her Gemsbuck! He dropped on the spot, and she has every reason to be very proud of her self!!! I think the hogs and impala need to beware. ;)
On a family note - Mom is doing very well. She is pretty mobile now with her crutches, and she is back into the teaching mode with the children. They will break for school holidays at the end of March. It has been a long first term!
Young Goosley has made the adventureous journey outdoors several times now, and has befriended the dogs! They play endless games of tag and hide & seek! The cats are pretty weary of her (giving her a wide bearth), and she has the run of the office! She is extremely playful, purrs like a kitten, and is very affectionate.

On a family note - Mom is doing very well. She is pretty mobile now with her crutches, and she is back into the teaching mode with the children. They will break for school holidays at the end of March. It has been a long first term!