Last week Monday (the 11th May), saw us back on the road to Pretoria for session #3 of chemo. With knowing the drill now, it's certainly a lot "easier", in that JohnD knows what to expect. He understands what his reaction to the medication is going to be, and he really manages very well. It's four days in the hospital each time, followed by about 21 rest and recovery days.
He kept himself entertained with the TV cartoons, and with my recent shrew invasion on my cupboard - I had a basket FULL of mending to do!!! We also went armed with our DVD player, loads of books to read, and games too. I really don't know why I pack so much each time, as when he is not feeling well - it all just sits there and looks at us! Then I've got to pack it all up and just lug it all home again. The ward was full this time around, and with so many around us - all fighting this battle - you certainly become aware of how blessed we were to have discovered it and removed it! We are blessed.
The biggest small victory for me was overcoming the challenge of driving in Pretora for the very first time, on my own... without a GPS! I didn't get lost or make a single wrong turn - either going there, or returning home. "Well done me!" Now we won't mention the contents of the call to Ken at 8am in the six lanes of rush hour traffic, with all of the road works on the go!!!

The kids had a ball with some of the tatoos that came in a parcel from the States, and we certainly giggled when JohnD stuck them where he has never been able to stick them before!
His recovery at home seems to take about three days and then we find him eating again, and returning to his normal routine. YES - complete with the usual dose of mischief too... which is good for us all.
While Biz was here, we all had some fun with dye and the t-shirts...
We said bye to Biz today, which was very sad. She was with us for a month, and was such an amazing help. We had our first group of hunters in while she was here - so her timing was perfect. They were Carl Hice and Wes Stockburger - from the other side of the world - literally! Alaska! It really is good to have guests again, and get back into the swing of hunting. We were also blessed to have Terry & Jo Ann Blauwkamp from Michigan return this year again - for their manangement hunt too.
I guess it's back to routine again. We had a game count yesterday morning - the kids got to fly home from school (Dad and Mom's home!) in a chopper!!! Needless to say they arrived with big smiles.
YAY!! I miss you all. Keep up the blogging, I will share the link!